There are so many baby related items on the market now days that it can often be very overwhelming for expectant parents to know what and what not to buy. Our Maternity Nurses and Night Nannies tell us that baby’s nurseries (and the rest of the house!) can be over overloaded with items and equipment that just aren’t necessary, so Night Nannies have written a small guide to help you.
Our advice is don’t buy too many! Often you will receive clothes as gifts, so buy the basics yourself; 10 baby grows, ten vests, a couple of hats and cardigans should do. Don’t go crazy on lots of pretty day clothes as you may find your baby has grown out of them before they’ve even worn them! Also, consider what season your baby is being born, as if summer then they won’t need a padded all in one.
Nappies/ Changing Area
Disposables or washables, or a mix of both? That is your first decision! Look for companies that can deliver nappies to your door and also those that will launder your washable nappies. It is useful to have a changing mat for both upstairs and downstairs and small towels (terry toweling nappies are great) for covering them to keep small bottoms warm! Using cotton wool instead of wipes in the first few weeks is soft for babies bottoms, and we suggest getting the larger pads rather than the small balls as much easier for wiping mess, and a little Tupperware pot will be sufficient for the warm water to dampen the cotton wool. Keep a small bottle of hand steriliser gel near by; just helps keep those germs to a minimum.
Decide on whether you are getting a standard cot or one that will eventually convert into a bed, consider the size of your nursery and what suits your needs. A change table can be useful, but a mat on the floor is also sufficient and ensures no rolling accidents. Buy a firm mattress that meets British Safety Standards (look for the kite mark), and one with a waterproof cover is useful. Fitted sheets are preferable, and a couple of cellular blankets that are big enough to tuck in tightly, along with four swaddling wraps should be sufficient. The ready-made ones (NO Velcro!) really are quite good! Buy an auto fade nightlight for those nighttime wakes and a CD player for calming bedtime lullabies.
Bath Time
Baby baths are great but very heavy when full of water, so get one with a plug in the bottom to empty out easily. You may prefer just to use your bath and buy a bath support. If you choose to go for a plastic one, then a muslin cloth will soften the hardness. Go for a natural organic baby wash and massage oil with a light scent such as apricot.
This is tough as everyone has a different opinion! You need to consider what you are using your pushchair for, e.g. mainly town or country. This will determine whether you need a three-wheeler or a simple pushchair. You may want a travel system that includes a car seat, avoiding waking your baby as you swap from car to pushchair? And is it important for you that your baby faces you from birth? Have you considered whether the pushchair fit through your front door or even in your car boot!? We suggest going to a large department store to try them all out and don’t forget to order extras e.g. cosy toes, sunshades and rain covers.
You can never have enough muslins! Also plenty of bibs! Ensure you have a supportive nursing bra and breast pads too. If you are planning to express then, consider hiring a pump. Even if breast-feeding it is useful to have a few bottles and all the bits to go with them. This is so expressed milk can be used for top-ups if needed. It just covers all possibilities.
Doing things like fitting the bedroom with a dimmer switch and getting a black out blind are useful. Consider taking a rucksack as your change bag so you can have your hands free at all times! A bouncy chair is useful, especially the ones with the rigid frames that can be used from newborn.
Keep everything wrapped until you need it as you may find that you don’t, and, of course, keep all receipts too!