How To Help Your Baby To Self-Settle At Night

One of the most common problems new parents face is encouraging their baby to self-settle in the cot.   Here are some top tips on how our Night Nannies might guide a baby to go to sleep on their own. Click on the video above for more information. Create a calm sleep environment Make sure you have a regular routine …

How To Swaddle

Swaddling can comfort a baby by tricking them into believing they are still in the womb.  In the first few weeks of life it may soothe them and solve some of the problems that feeding and rocking wonโ€™t.  Hereโ€™s how to swaddle – you can click on the video above for more information. Swaddle with a thin, breathable fabric and …

How To Create Safe Sleep Environment

Create a calm sleep environment The bedroom and cot area is for quiet, soothing activities.  Make sure you also have a regular routine you follow at bedtime.  This could include a bath, stories, lullabies and time together with gentle play, kissing, hugging, maybe a massage and then bedtime.  This will ensure that the bedroom is not associated with being left alone …

How To Create A Bedtime Routine

Creating a Simple Bedtime Routine Babies respond well to routines, so create and follow a simple and consistent bedtime routine from day one. This routine signals to your baby that sleep is approaching and acts as a sleep cue.   Try the following: A short warm bath Then a light baby massage Try a few minutes of a simple book …

How To Organise Daytime Naps And Feeds: 1-4 Months.

Many people assume if your baby is up and busy all day, they will sleep well at night โ€“ this is not always the case. The baby is usually so over tired and over stimulated, that they have difficulty settling at night. Night Nannies believes a baby with structured and regular sleeps and feeds in the day is more content …

How To Help My Baby To Sleep (1-3 months old)

Many people assume if your baby is up and busy all day, they will sleep well at night โ€“ this is not always the case. The baby is usually so over-tired and over stimulated, that they may have difficulty settling at night. At Night Nannies we believe a baby who has structured and regular sleeps and feeds during the day …

How To Help Sleep Train Babies Of 6 Months And Above

Many people assume if your baby is up and busy all day, they will sleep well at night โ€“ this is not always the case. The baby is usually so over tired and over stimulated, that they have difficulty settling at night. Your Night Nanny will advise on giving structured sleeps and feeds in the day, this will make your …

How To Help Wind Your Baby

During and after feeding you will need to wind your baby to prevent trapped wind when they are breast or bottle feeding. Bottle fed babies tend to ingest more air, because artificial nipples arenโ€™t as easy to seal a little mouth around, so they may need more winding.   The cues for trapped wind areย crying, arched back, drawing legs into tummy, …

How to keep your baby cool at night in the summer months

The best sleeping tips hot summer nights with Night Nannies. This has been compiled by over 250 of our Night Nannies for the Mama Mio website. What are your top tips on how to keep a baby cool on a hot summer night? During the day keep the blinds or curtains in the nursery closed but windows open, this can …